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33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2016



Please check the doors for Mass/Communion Service times while Fr. Pius is away until 9 December.

Can we also request that Mass offering envelopes are dropped in the box near the sacristy or handed in to the parish office by 12 noon on the Thursday if names are to be included in the bulletin and mentioned during Mass on the weekend. If names are not required to be printed in the bulletin or projected, please leave a note to specify this, otherwise the names will appear in the bulletin and on the screen.


Every Sunday Youth & Young Adults Group 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Come and join the Brothers & Sisters of Two Hearts as they help you grow in your faith journey with prayer, fun, games, music and pizza.
19/20 Nov Feast of the King. End of Jubilee Holy Year of Mercy
26/27 Nov 1st Sunday of Advent
10 Dec Healing Mass, 2:30 pm instead of 3rd December.

CHRISTMAS goods are now available: Nativity sets, Ornaments, etc. Columban Calendars ($9), Divine Mercy Calendars ($9) and Pocket Calendars ($8). Religious Christmas Cards ($3 pkt of 8 cards), Polish and Vietnamese ($2.50 pkt).

Every year the St. Peter's Conference of St Vincent de Paul distribute about 100 hampers to struggling families in our area. Please take a tag from the tree and return your food item/s by 10/11 December. Thank you for your generosity. Any enquiries to 0401541666.

ROSTERS for Piety Store, Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers and Communion to the Sick for December, January and February are now available in the Hall. Please collect your copies as soon as possible. Thanks.

There will be a special collection this weekend for Catholic Deaf. Thank you for your support.

There will be another special collection next weekend, 19/20 November for Mr. Michael McGrath who will be retiring after 18 years of dedicated service to our St Peters community as Principal of our school. We will farewell Mr McGrath in December this year, details will be in the bulletin closer to the date.

Christmas brings us the Good News of ‘Emmanuel – God is with us’; reminding us of the presence of Christ in every moment of our lives.  For the elderly of our parish, our parish group members of Mater Dolorosa Choir and a few other volunteers have decided to bring Christmas Cheer and help them experience this ever present love and peace of Christ by organising an Afternoon Tea in our Church Hall on Sunday 18 December from 2:00pm to 3:30pm in the church hall.  Since this was planned later in the year and for want of space, they are forced to keep the numbers restricted to 100.   For this reason, they can only accommodate the first 100 who respond to the invitation.  Please call the parish office on 9749 4300 or email  Monday to Friday 9.30am to 3:00pm if you would like to attend.

This will be the 21st year our parish will celebrate the Dawn Mass Novena in preparation for Christmas. The Novena Mass is held at 5:00am every morning for nine consecutive days, starting on the 16th and concluding on the 24th December. Our parish prayer group organises this by coordinating with our parishioners, other groups in our parish, prayer group benefactors and others from neighbouring parishes who attend the dawn Mass every year. Their generosity provides a festive breakfast for everyone who attends the dawn Mass. If any of you would like to be a part of this breakfast by either providing food or wish to donate towards it please contact Josephine at the parish office on 9749 4300 or email If you would like to be one of the sponsors for breakfast, please put your name down on sheets that are available in the foyer.  You can choose a day to suit you from 16th to 24th December. Thank you.

Universal: That the countries which take in a great number of displaced persons and refugees may find support for their efforts which show solidarity.
Evangelization: That within parishes, priests and lay people may collaborate in service to the community without giving in to the temptation of discouragement.

MONSTER GARAGE SALE, 19 NOVEMBER (Proceeds from this sale to go to the church)
We are looking for saleable goods in excellent condition. If you would like to drop off items, the sheds will be open on Sunday 13 November between 10:00am and 11:30pm, or to arrange a pick up, ring Kevin on 9748 9494.

The Brothers and Sisters of the Alliance of the Two Hearts in collaboration with our parish of St. Peters are calling all youth aged 12-30 to attend FIAT, a 4-day Marian Eucharistic Youth congress from January 19 - 22, 2017 at Encore Events Centre, 80 Derrimut Road, Hoppers Crossing. 100 years ago Our Lady appeared to 3 children in Fatima and gave them a special message that would prove to be relevant to today’s youth. Come along to a jam-packed event filled with games, workshops, talks by guest speakers, performances and of course prayer as we discover the beauty of her message. To register: Contact the OATH brothers on 0433 093 833. Early bird fee is only $49 before 31 December. Hope to see you there. God Bless!


14th Dec Year 6 Last Day – Dismissal 4:30pm from hall
15th Dec Prep – Year 4 Last Day. Dismissal 3:15pm
16th Dec Year 5 Last Day. Dismissal 3:15pm


We pray for Leli Pulis, Lyn Aquino and all who died recently.

We pray for Brenda Harper, Neville Nettar, Mary & Thomas Fernando, J. Rodriguez, Rosammal Rodriguez, Emmanuela Cook, Andrew Dong, Cielito Angeles, Edward Palmer, Nemesio Divinagracia, Dollar Sharman and all whose anniversaries occur at this time.

We pray for Lydia (Aleida) Van Susteren, Peter McGlade, Molly Wilson, Gary Spotswood, Stan Walkden, Sean Donaldson, Aiden Catherall, Vera Fernandez, Vic Pagunsan, Edith Street, Georgette Maalouf, Carmen Mifsud, Bernie Poppen, Dominic D’Lima, Liam Parr, Veronica Gomes, George Gilhooly, John Walsh, Pedro & Dante Lopez, Crispin & Nick Garcia, Cynthia Middleton, Robert Harper, Diane Cameron, Trevor Rush and all who are ill in our Parish.



Money Counters – 20 Nov 16

Andy & Cecille Fernando / Kitty Stuttard

Readers – 19/20 Nov 16

6:00pm Elaine Dalton
8:30am Les Jones
10:30am Mario D’Mello
5:00pm Melanie Etiennette

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion 19/20 Nov 16

6:00pm B. Farrugia / R&A D’Souza / S. Martis
8:30am B. Jones / Karen F. / G. Siccita / R. Johnson
10:30am L. Ortega / S. Delos Reyos / A&A Cortez.
5:00pm J&D Etiennette / E. Behrouzi / VOLUNTEER

Music Ministry – 19/20 Nov 16

6:00pm Mater Dolorosa
8:30am Shirley & Group
10:30am FilOz
5:00pm AHFI