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3rd Sunday of Lent 2017


Money Counters – 26 Mar 17

B Coghlan/K McLoughlin/J Leeson/F Thomas/C D’Souza

Readers – 25/26 Mar 17

  6:00pm Angela Francis
  8:30am KSC Reader
10:30am Rosemary Hibbert
  5:00pm Sherwin Simangan

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion 25/26 Mar 17

  6:00pm Josie T. / Praful A. / S. D’Silva / E. Dalton
  8:30am KSC Minister / Kevin McL / L. Jones / VOL
10:30am M&Z D’Mello / S. DiBenedetto / N. Costa
  5:00pm I. Simangan / G. Siccita / 2 X VOLUNTEERS

Music Ministry – 25/26 Mar 17

  6:00pm Eagles Wings
  8:30am Shirley & Group
10:30am Domini Chorum
  5:00pm KNK



On behalf of our parish and school, Fr Pius extends his thanks to the Brothers and Sisters of Two Hearts for bringing the Pilgrim Image of Our Lady of Fatima to us.  Father wishes to thank all the parishioners, our principal, staff and students for participating in the celebrations and making it such a memorable event here at St Peters.


  • Project Compassion goes until 15th April 2017. Envelopes and Boxes are available in the church and hall. Your donations are greatly appreciated.
  • Stations of the Cross each Friday at 7:00pm followed by
  • The Divine Mercy Novena will start after the Good Friday service.
  • Lenten Regulations from the Vicar General have been placed on the


The Welcoming Group is pleased to announce that they will have a welcome cuppa for Parishioners

  • After the 8:30am Mass every 2nd and 3rd Sunday
  • After the 10:30am Mass every 3rd Sunday

They are looking for volunteers to join them so they can cover the morning Masses every Sunday.  If you would like to join the group, please contact the Parish Office on 9749 4300.


The next Meeting of the Hoppers Crossing Conference of the St Vincent de Paul Society will be next Tuesday evening, the 21st March, at 7:30pm in the Parish Community Centre.


A reminder that an Anointing Mass and Light Luncheon, will be held this Tuesday, 21st March at 11:00am. This Mass is held twice a year and is different to the monthly Healing Mass held on the first Saturday of each Month. Come to receive an anointing, and also to enjoy a light Luncheon provided by the Ladies Auxiliary.


Every Friday in Lent 7:00pm Stations of the Cross followed by Mass, starting 3rd March.
21 March 11:00am Anointing/Healing Mass for the Sick followed by a light luncheon.
25/26 March Blessing for Pregnant Mothers and their babies all weekend Masses.
6 April 7:30pm Rite II Reconciliation at St. Peter’s Parish.


These are now available in the Hall. You will note that for two masses on Passion Sunday Communion Ministers are needed. If you are able to assist at these masses please write your name in the Sign-On Book in the Hall. Thank you for your help


27 Mar 17 2018 Prep Enrolment Information Session, 7:00pm in School
31 Mar 17 Last Day Term 1. School finishes 1:00pm
18 Apr 17 Term 2 commences 8:45am


Classes have begun and are held on Sundays from 9:15am to 10:25am. Enquiries to Bernice on 9749-2812.

RECENTLY DECEASED:  We pray for Vic Pagunsan, John Stewart and all who died recently.

DEATH ANNIVERSARIES:  We pray for the Betty McWhirter, Lino & Citas Marcelo, Lester & Theresa Fernando, Restituto Cabunilas, Nelson Bianet Sr, Clarita Cruz, Sandra Nelthropp, John & Gertrude Briscoe, Connie Portelli, Elaine Pountney, Helene Green, John & Gertrude Briscoe and all whose anniversaries occur at this time.

PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: We pray for Bill Fairney, Leo Linehan, Angela O’Brien, Mary McMinn, Lydia (Aleida) Van Susteren, Peter McGlade, Molly Wilson, Gary Spotswood, Stan Walkden, Diane Cameron, Sean Donaldson, Kristian Romois, Vera Fernandez, Edith Street, Georgette Maalouf, Carmen Mifsud, Bob Meehan, Dominic D’Lima, Cynthia Middleton, Milton Roberts, Elizabeth Slee, Malcolm Harlow, Loretta Fernando, Leo Mellawa, Rosemary Heenthenna, Mary Ann Perera, Rose Seguna, Maria Voudiotis, Sheila O'Brien, Lloyd Clayburn, Yvonne Clayton, Hyacinth Lawrence and all who are ill in our Parish.