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4th Sunday of Advent 2020

Advent Prayer

Father in heaven, the day draws near when the glory of your Son will make radiant the night of the waiting world. May the lure of greed not impede us from the joy which moves the hearts of those who seek Him. May the darkness not blind us to the vision of wisdom which fills the minds of those who find Him. May we, your people, who look forward to the birthday of Christ experience the joy of salvation and celebrate that feast with love and thanksgiving. This Advent we pray for peace: peace in the world, peace in our homes and peace in our hearts. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.

Entrance Antiphon
Drop down dew from above, you heavens, and let the clouds rain down the Just One; let the earth be opened and bring forth a Saviour.

1st Reading (2 Sam 7:1-5,8-12,14,16)
A reading from the second book of Samuel.
Once David had settled into his house and the Lord had given him rest from all the enemies surrounding him, the king said to the prophet Nathan, ‘Look, I am living in a house of cedar while the ark of God dwells in a tent.’ Nathan said to the king, ‘Go and do all that is in your mind, for the Lord is with you.’ But that very night the word of the Lord came to Nathan: ‘Go and tell my servant David, “Thus the Lord speaks: Are you the man to build me a house to dwell in? I took you from the pasture, from following the sheep, to be leader of my people Israel; I have been with you on all your expeditions; I have cut off all your enemies before you. I will give you fame as great as the fame of the greatest on earth. I will provide a place for my people Israel; I will plant them there and they shall dwell in that place and never be disturbed again; nor shall the wicked continue to oppress them as they did, in the days when I appointed judges over my people Israel; I will give them rest from all their enemies. The Lord will make you great; the Lord will make you a House. And when your days are ended and you are laid to rest with your ancestors, I will preserve the offspring of your body after you and make his sovereignty secure. I will be a father to him and he a son to me. Your House and your sovereignty will always stand secure before me and your throne be established for ever.”’
The Word of the Lord.

Responsorial Psalm
For ever, I will sing the goodness of the Lord.

2nd Reading (Rom 16:25-27)
A reading from the first letter of St. Paul to the Romans.
Glory to him who is able to give you the strength to live according to the Good News I preach, and in which I proclaim Jesus Christ, the revelation of a mystery kept secret for endless ages, but now so clear that it must be broadcast to pagans everywhere to bring them to the obedience of faith. This is only what scripture has predicted, and it is all part of the way the eternal God wants things to be. He alone is wisdom; give glory therefore to him through Jesus Christ for ever and ever. Amen.   The Word of the Lord.

Gospel  Acclamation
Alleluia, alleluia.  I am the servant of the Lord: may his will for me be done. Alleluia!

Gospel (Lk 1:26-38)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to St. Luke.
The angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the House of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. He went in and said to her, ‘Rejoice, so highly favoured! The Lord is with you.’ She was deeply disturbed by these words and asked herself what this greeting could mean, but the angel said to her, ‘Mary, do not be afraid; you have won God’s favour. Listen! You are to conceive and bear a son, and you must name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David; he will rule over the House of Jacob for ever and his reign will have no end.’ Mary said to the angel, ‘But how can this come about, since I am a virgin?’ ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you’ the angel answered ‘and the power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow. And so the child will be holy and will be called Son of God. Know this too: your kinswoman Elizabeth has, in her old age, herself conceived a son, and she whom people called barren is now in her sixth month, for nothing is impossible to God’ ‘I am the handmaid of the Lord,’ said Mary ‘let what you have said be done to me.’ And the angel left her.
The Gospel of the Lord.

Communion Antiphon
Behold, a Virgin shall conceive and bear a son; and his name will be called Emmanuel.

Next Week’s Readings
Gen 15:1-6,21:1-3;  Heb 11:8,11-12,17-19;   Lk 2:22-40

Feasts of the Week
Fri, 25 Dec - The Nativity of the Lord
Sat, 26 Dec - St. Stephen      



  • No bookings for Weekday Masses. Attendance is on a “first come first in”
  • Weekend Mass bookings are done online via using the link (link will remain the same every week). Bookings via this link will open on a Monday at 9 am and close on a Friday at 10 am prior to the weekend..
  • Christmas/New Year timetable is available in this bulletin. For Christmas/New Year Mass services, bookings are done online via Trybooking using the same link as weekend masses. Bookings for Christmas are now open and will close on Tuesday 22 December at 5pm
  • Bookings for New Year's Eve and Day Mass will open on Monday 21 Dec at 9am and close on Wednesday 30 December at 10am.
  • We can accommodate approx. 300 people given the size/dimensions of our facility.
  • Please remain in your allocated seat and maintain social distancing during the Liturgy, including when kneeling.
  • We request that you do not move the pews or chairs which have been placed to observe the safe distancing required.
  • Wearing of masks is optional.
  • Church will open 30 minutes before mass starts. Doors will be shut 5 minutes before mass starts
  • For Christmas Eve services Church will open 30 minutes before Carols begin.
  • During Communion, remain standing at your seats if you wish to receive Holy Communion. Special Ministers will come on either side of the pews to bring you Communion.
  • Bulletins are to be taken home and not left on your seat.
  • Lighting candles is permitted but please do not touch the statues.
  • Pews on the left must exit through the door on the left. Pews on the right must exit through the small foyer. No socialising inside church or foyer.
  • Church will be cleaned after service so there is no need to wipe down pews and kneelers.
  • If you are unwell on your allocated day, PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND FOR THE SAFETY OF OTHERS.

This year, St Peter Apostle Mission Parish celebrates its 25th Year of the 9-Days Dawn Mass Novena which concludes on 24th December 2020. Masses are held at 5:00am daily. Come early for parking and contact tracing registration. Bookings can be made via trybooking link Church will open by 4:20am but entry doors close 5 minutes before Mass starts.. There will be NO FELLOWSHIP OR BREAKFAST after Mass.

For those who are unable to attend, Masses will be live streamed
Via Facebook
Via our parish Youtube channel V5Q/
Via ZOOM Meeting ID: 923 0757 3592, Password: SPhc2020. For further information contact Sherwin on 0466 408 004.

The Parish Office will close for the Christmas break starting Wednesday 23 Dec and returning Monday, 11 Jan. Bulletins for 27 Dec, 3 & 10 Jan will be single sheets with mass readings.  Normal bulletins will resume on 17 Jan, along with names for Death Anniversaries, Recently Deceased and Sick List.

Columban Calendars are available for $9 each, Kindly contact Margaret Newman on 0432 044 416 for further details.

We welcome into our Church community Gabriel Kiutau, Clare Goonting, Hannah & Mitchell Steel-Allison who are to be baptised this weekend. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the love of Parents, Godparents, family and friends, we pray that these children will lead lives full of happiness, faith and love.

If you are attending a weekend mass and would like to volunteer as an usher could you please contact the parish office on 9749 4300 or meet Fr Vincent before the mass. You will need to be at the church 40 minutes before mass begins. Thank you.

A special Blessing will be given to all babies and children at this Mass in memory of the young children of Bethlehem, put to death by Herod who sought to kill Jesus. These innocent victims bear witness to Christ, to a world which would not receive Him.

This year has especially been a trying time for everyone, however, we ask you to join us as we give thanks for the many blessings and graces received throughout 2020. The 8:30am Mass will be followed by Exposition, Praise and Worship, Divine Mercy Chaplet, quiet reflection time and conclude with Benediction. Bookings for this mass will be via Trybooking


Christmas Eve – 6:30pm & 9:30pm
Is 62:1-5;   Acts 13:16-17, 22-25;   Mt 1:18-25

Christmas Midnight Mass
Is 9:1-7;   Titus 2:11-14;   Lk 2:1-14

Christmas Day
Is 52:7-10;   Heb 1:1-6;   Jn 1:1-5, 9-14


16 – 18 Dec
Wed, Thu, Fri
Dawn Mass Novena
Weekday Mass
19 Dec – Sat 5:00am
Dawn Mass Novena
Saturday Morning Mass
Vigil Mass
20  Dec – Sun 5:00am
8:30am 10:30am
Dawn Mass Novena
Sunday Masses
21 - 23 Dec
Mon, Tue, Wed
Dawn Mass Novena
Weekday Mass
24 Dec – Thu 5:00am Dawn Mass Novena
24 Dec – Thu
Christmas Eve
Carols followed by Family Mass
24 Dec – Thu
Christmas Eve
Carols followed by
Vigil Mass
24 Dec – Thu
Christmas Eve
Carols followed by Midnight Mass
25 Dec – Fri
Christmas DayNo 5:00pm Mass
9:30am 11.15am1:00pm
No carols before Masses
Spanish Mass
26 Dec – Sat 9:00am
Saturday Morning Mass
Vigil Mass
27 Dec – Sun
Feast of Holy Family
8:30am 10:30am
Sunday Masses
31 Dec
New Year’s Eve
8:30am Weekday Mass followed by Holy Hour of Thanksgiving
1 Jan
New Year’s DayNo Evening Mass 
9:30am Weekday Mass


We pray for Thomas Madakkakuzhy, Sally Vadakkekkuttu, Michel Chong, Josephine Zerafa, Leo Dsilva, Loreta Sotelo, Felicitas San Diego, Bienvenido Limson, Lourdes Oceate, Edna MacGowan, all who have died due to COVID-19 and all who have passed away recently.

We pray for George Nelthropp, Agnes Nelthropp, Brian Browne, Henry Restall, Joe Bugeja, Melita Bugeja, Pat Foster, Tessie Craig, Most Rev Joseph Angelo Grech, Maria Consiglio, Charlie Restall White, Emidia Micallef, Edith Platel, Fr. Manuel Delos Santos, Epifanio & Visitacion delos Santos, Araceli De, Basilio Angeles and all whose anniversaries occur at this time.

We pray for Gary Spotswood, Sean Donaldson, Kath Meddings, Jean Cameron, Gordon Newman, Denis Webber, Monique Hoaster, Wilfredo Villareal, Rolando Navarro, Francis Goonting, Anne Deluca, Hellen Bonnici, Filippo Sciglitano, Anthony Hanford, James Barwick, Gerry Akein, Carmelina Costanzo, Alki Christopoulos, Charlotte Mary, Paul Burton, Aloysius Silva, Norma Medina, Christine Hall, Esther Uwase, Steven Smith, Justin Worsley, Calum Jones, Paul Thomas, John Murray, Andrew Crowley, Vincent Margaret, Christian Lindsay, Anne Marie Toole, Liss Corado, Michael Buttigieg, Elvie de Torres, Helen Smith, Harold Fonseca, Yvonne & Gilbert Norris and all who are ill in our Parish.