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21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024


Most Holy Trinity—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifferences whereby He is offended. And through the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners.

Entrance Antiphon
Turn your ear, O Lord, and answer me; save the servant who trusts in you, my God. Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I cry to you all the day long.

1st Reading (Josh 24:1-2, 15-18)
A reading from the book of Joshua.

Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel together at Shechem; then he called the elders, leaders, judges and scribes of Israel, and they presented themselves before God. Then Joshua said to all the people: ‘If you will not serve the Lord, choose today whom you wish to serve, whether the gods that your ancestors served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are now living. As for me and my House, we will serve the Lord.’ The people answered, ‘We have no intention of deserting the Lord and serving other gods! Was it not the Lord our God who brought us and our ancestors out of the land of Egypt, the house of slavery, who worked those great wonders before our eyes and preserved us all along the way we travelled and among all the peoples through whom we journeyed. We too will serve the Lord, for he is our God.’
The Word of the Lord.

Responsorial Psalm
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.

2nd Reading (Eph 5:21-32)
A reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians.
Give way to one another in obedience to Christ. Wives should regard their husbands as they regard the Lord, since as Christ is head of the Church and saves the whole body, so is a husband the head of his wife; and as the Church submits to Christ, so should wives to their husbands, in everything. Husbands should love their wives just as Christ loved the Church and sacrificed himself for her to make her holy. He made her clean by washing her in water with a form of words, so that when he took her to himself she would be glorious, with no speck or wrinkle or anything like that, but holy and faultless. In the same way, husbands must love their wives as they love their own bodies; for a man to love his wife is for him to love himself. A man never hates his own body, but he feeds it and looks after it; and that is the way Christ treats the Church, because it is his body – and we are its living parts. For this reason, a man must leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one body. This mystery has many implications; but I am saying it applies to Christ and the Church.
The Word of the Lord.

Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia, alleluia! Your words, Lord, are spirit and life: you have the words of everlasting life. Alleluia!

Gospel (Jn 6:60-69)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to John.
After hearing his doctrine many of the followers of Jesus said, ‘This is intolerable language. How could anyone accept it?’ Jesus was aware that his followers were complaining about it and said, ‘Does this upset you? What if you should see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before? ‘It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh has nothing to offer. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life. ‘But there are some of you who do not believe.’ For Jesus knew from the outset those who did not believe, and who it was that would betray him. He went on, ‘This is why I told you that no one could come to me unless the Father allows him.’ After this, many of his disciples left him and stopped going with him. Then Jesus said to the Twelve, ‘What about you, do you want to go away too?’ Simon Peter answered, ‘Lord, who shall we go to? You have the message of eternal life, and we believe; we know that you are the Holy One of God.’
The Gospel of the Lord.

Communion Antiphon
The earth is replete with the fruits of your work, O Lord; you bring forth bread from the earth and wine to cheer the heart.

Next Week’s Readings
Deut 4:1-2, 6-8;   James 1:17-18,21-22,27; Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

Feasts of the Week
Tue, 27 Aug - St. Monica
Wed, 28 Aug - St. Augustine
Thu, 29 Aug - The Passion of St. John the Baptist



10:30am Mass – Children’s Liturgy held 1st and 3rdSundays.
After 5:00pm Mass in Theatrette – Youth Group for youth 12 to 17 years on 2nd and 4th Sundays. 
6:00pm in Community Centre – Young Adults (SPYA) meeting. 
6.15pm in Hall – School of Discipleship
7:00pm to 8:15pm – Bible Study on Zoom. Meeting ID: 826 5359 2389 Passcode: Bible. Contact Clive 0490814452 or Karen 0415487598
7:00pm Online Zoom Rosary - Meeting ID: 893 5477 8556Passcode: rosary.
7:00pm Mass followed by Mother of Perpetual Succour Novena.
7:00pm to 8:15pm Mass & Adoration
7:30pm to 8:30pm Shalom Kids Holy Hour with Exposition & Benediction.
2:30pm to 4:00pm St. Peter’s Charismatic Prayer Community Praise & Worship.
1.30pm to 4:00pm - Healing Mass on 1st Saturday of the month. Next Healing Mass on Saturday 7th September 2024.
12 noon – Baptisms held 1st & 3rd Sundays.
Baptism Preparation Meeting held on 1st Monday of the month at 7:00pm. Next Baptism Preparation Meeting Monday 2nd September 2024 at 7:00pm in Church.


Having laid out a fairly difficult teaching to the crowd, Jesus is faced with the fact that many of those who were following him couldn’t cope with what he was saying and they walked away from him. Jesus turns on the Twelve and demands of them, ‘What about you, do you want to go away too?’ One can almost hear the frustration and weariness in his voice. Peter’s response must have been a great relief to Jesus. Peter declares that Jesus has the message of eternal life and is the Holy One of God. He still hasn’t quite got the full picture but it’s something Jesus can continue to work with!

Congratulations to the Sunday School children as they receive the Eucharist for the first time this Sunday. Thank you to the Catechists who have trained the children to receive this Sacrament.

There will be a School Community Mass on Wednesday 28th August at 8:45am. School families and parishioners are most welcome to join. Please join us for a cuppa after Mass. All are welcome.

To celebrate Father's Day, a Special Blessing will be given to our wonderful Fathers at all Masses next weekend.

SENIORS SHARED LUNCH – WEDNESDAY 4TH SEPT from 11:30am to 1:30pm in the Community Centre. Please bring a plate of food to share. Coffee, tea and hot chocolate provided. Contact Margaret Craigie on 0456914652 for further details.

Morning Mass at 8:30am. Evening Mass at 7:00pm followed by Sacred Heart Devotions.

Dear parishioners kindly fill in the date and time of mass on the Mass Offering envelopes when offering a mass intention, especially at the weekends and on days with multiple masses. Thank you for your understanding.  

Kindly note that the parish office email address will no longer be used. Please send all email communications for the Parish Office to you.

COLUMBAN CALENDARS for 2025 are now available in the Piety Store for $10 each.   

Kindly note that since the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady falls on a Sunday this year, the stipulated 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time Mass will be celebrated. However, our Parish will still mark this feast day by inviting parishioners to bring their own statues or icons of Our Blessed Virgin Mary at all the weekend Masses and place them on the tables near the Sanctuary. Father Laurence will bless them during the 6:00pm Vigil Mass, 8:30am, 10:30am and 5:00pm Sunday Masses.

The sick list will be reviewed at the end of the month.  Please contact the parish office at the start of each month to submit names for the sick as we are unable to keep a record of names for more than a month. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

The 2024 Archbishop’s Campaign is underway, and we ask everyone to consider a pledge to support the vital ministries of our Archdiocese. These ministries are outlined in the Campaign brochure which you will find in the pew and in the foyer today. Gifts of $2 or more are tax-deductible. Tax-deductible donations go to the Archbishop’s Charitable Fund which supports the Corpus Christi College Building Fund, the Priests Retirement Foundation, John Pierce Centre, Melbourne Overseas Mission, University of Divinity Building Fund as well as Catholic community agencies and service organisations through annual grants. Non-tax-deductible donations go to the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne Religious Projects Fund and support seminarian formation and evangelisation ministries. You can make a gift online at or via the QR codes on the campaign materials. There will be a special collection this weekend for one-off donations towards this campaign. Thank you for your generous support.

The Australian Bishops have issued a Social Justice statement. You can read all about it from the link below.
Social Justice Statement calls for truth and… | Melbourne Catholic

The permanent diaconate is open to single and married men, aged between 30 and 60 years, who want to serve God and the Church as ordained ministers. The information session is open to everyone interested in knowing more about the permanent diaconate. Online Diaconate information meeting Tuesday, 24 September / 19:30 – 21:00 via ZOOM. Attendance will be by invitation. Express your interest by emailing Deacon Kevin Pattison In the week before the session the ZOOM link will be sent to those who have expressed interest.

We pray for Patrick Spiteri, Peggy Pinto, Aloysius Silva, Carmel Thomas, Josefa Clavijo, Eileen Hutchinson, Daniel Ferlazzo, Sriyani De Sliva, Nimal Pahalavithanage, Flavian Weerasinghe, Carmelo Stroscio, Victor Cachia, Michelle Lazaro, and all who have died in disasters all over the world.

We pray for Bill Fairney, Martin John Lopez, Cresentia Fernando, Enri Sait, Floreswinda Fernandez, Otilia Vieira and all whose anniversaries occur at this time.

We pray for Violet Lawrence, Jeffrey Dalton, Sean Donaldson, Dale D’Souza, Stephen Beaton, John O’Regan, Delice Prior, Nathan Salesa, Suzie Allet, Draga Vekic, John & Christina Parol, Robin Lowe, Gerry Shaw, Betina Cole, Rashmi Ghimire, Keith & Janet Gill, Teresita Delacruz, Ausana Cunanan, Roberto Santiago, Elizabeth de Guzman, Edna Sanchez, Mary Jane Larinay, Bien Carlos, Thais Long, Ollie Orlinski, Denise Fisher, Judy Whitecross, Liza Trenker, Josephine Pearson, Gina Linning, Teresita Grisancich, Alister Dias and all who are ill in our Parish.


Money Counters – 1 Sep 24

John Allen / Jules & Neeta Pereira

Roster for Readers – 31 Aug / 1 Sep 24

  6:00pm Sharon Albuquerque
  8:30am Sandra Graham
10:30am Maria Naufahu
  5:00pm Valerian D’Souza

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion – 31 Aug / 1 Sep 24

  6:00pm G. Aldcroft / S. Joseph / S. Fernando / Josie T.
  8:30am Clarence D / Karen F. / A. Francis / I. D’Lima
10:30am B. Fernandes / Sophia D / E. Mills / N. Golaw
  5:00pm E. Angeles / P. Beasley / Sunita D / Vanja P.

Music Ministry – 31 Aug / 1 Sep 24

  6:00pm Footsteps
  8:30am St. Philomena
10:30am Tongan Choir
  5:00pm FilOz