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Parish Ministries

Church is not necessarily only about attending Mass. Participating in our parish groups allows you to meet and share common interests with other like-minded people, and helps you deepen your appreciation of mission and charity. The groups below are run by enthusiastic volunteers, who always welcome new comers.

Depending on the ministry, you may need to acquire a Working with Children (WWC) check, which bears no fees for volunteers. Please contact the parish office if you are interested.

 Serving at Mass

Altar Society Group, Lectors, Special Ministers of Communion, Altar Servers and Sacristans

Lectors, Special Ministers of Communion and Altar Servers help the celebrating priest at mass with reading from the Word of God and the prayers of intercession, distributing Holy Communion. Altar service is most suitable for teaching children to carry responsibility and to learn the structure of the liturgy.

Sacristans work behind the scenes before mass, preparing the altar followed by cleaning the utensils at its conclusion.

Outside of mass, Altar Society members have the privilege of working around the Altar – the table of the Lord. Work involves polishing brass, washing and ironing linen and keeping the flower arrangements fresh. Members are rostered in pairs to complete approximately 1½ hours of cleaning on a weekday morning or afternoon.

These ministries are both rewarding and fulfilling, especially if you are interested in contributing of your time and talent at mass.

Special Ministers of Communion to the Sick

'Special Ministers of Communion to the Sick' take holy communion to people who are unable to attend Mass.  Visiting times are evenly shared on the roster, however you should be available during the day. Formation and discussion generally takes place in the parish centre, or church hall.

Religious Formation

Baptism Formation Group

The Baptism Formation Group  provides information for parents wanting to baptise their child aged from infant to 6 years old including;

      • An explanation of the symbols used during the ceremony.
      • A brief explanation of the ceremony.
      • A discussion on the importance of the parents and godparents in bringing up their child in the Catholic faith.

Baptism information evenings are held on the first Monday of each month at 7:00pm in church.

Children's Sacramental Program (Sunday School)

The group instruct children in religious matters preparing them them to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation. We meet every Sunday for 1 to 2 hours during school terms and lessons are held in St. Peter's school rooms. Catechists enjoy the pleasure of nurturing children in the Catholic faith and assisting them to come to know our loving God.

Children's Liturgy of the Word

Members provide children with the opportunity to listen to the Sunday Gospel, reflect upon God's message and time to pray together. Children's Liturgy of the Word is available at the 10:30am Mass every first and third Sunday. Members meet in the parish theatrette 4 to 5 times a year to plan sessions. The group meets for instruction with children in the Meeting Room off the church hall.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

The RCIA is a program for adults who have either never  been baptised or received a valid Christian baptism and wish to become Roman Catholic (Catechumens) or for those who have received a valid Christian baptism from other Christian churches and wish to become Catholic through Confirmation and Holy Communion (Confirmation Candidates). We meet every Tuesday at 7:00pm from August through to the end of Easter the following year.

As a team member, you will be fulfilling Christ's call of making disciples of all God's people and will be asked to pass on your experience as a Catholic, as well as guide and support the enquirers on their faith journey.

School of Discipleship

This is a faith outreach program aimed to teach members more about our Catholic faith with three purposes – to learn it, live it and share it. The school has been successfully running for the last 7 consecutive years in Hoppers Crossing and members have testified to growing both spiritually and personally. All are welcome to join. Enquiries please call Anita Dsouza on 0411 77 2320 or Bismi Palatty on 0401 360 144.

If you are interested in participating please fill out the online registration form.

Counselling and Support

Foccus Group

The Foccus group is a pre-marital education program for engaged couples to enable them to become more aware of their relationship and their choice to marry. After completing a questionnaire, the couple discuss with counsellors, various aspects of married life and the challenges facing young families. The majority of couples who complete the FOCCUS programme find the process valuable and enjoyable. FOCCUS sessions are held with couples as required.

Prayer Groups

St Peter's Charismatic Prayer Community - KNK 'One in the Body of Christ'

Prayer Meetings, Healing, Music, Outreach, Dawn Mass & Carols, Martha (service) and Fundraising. The Parish prayer group has been together for over 28 years and meet every Saturday afternoon from 2:30pm - 4:00pm for Praise & Worship, Eucharistic Adoration and prayer.  Other activities include, assisting charities and other Prayer communities, conducting annual Stations of the Cross at the Shrine of Ta Pinu and organizing monthly Healing Masses. We prepare the Nine Day Dawn Mass Novena (Simbang Gabi) 5:00am Mass from 16th December to 24th December, leading up to Christmas. While the group meets regularly every Saturday from February to November, all are welcome to join for thanksgiving & worship and be a witness to God’s Good News.

Community Service

Ladies Auxiliary

The Group provides members with a friendly social forum, a support network and an avenue to meet the needs of the Parish. Members gain much satisfaction from raising funds to support Parish Groups including St Vincent de Paul,  Joseph’s Corner and the Parish School. The Group also provides members with excellent social outings such as fun theatre nights with past and present members.

  • Provide support to the Parish.
  • Organise fund raising for the Parish
  • Subcommittee for the Altar Society.
  • Subcommittee for the School Canteen.
  • Service the 2nd Hand Uniform Shop for the school.
  • Occasional Catering for Parish and School functions.
  • Organise annual spring cleaning of the church.

Members meet on the 1st Monday of the month at 8.00pm in the Meeting Room off the Church Hall.

Welcoming Group

The Welcoming Group extends welcome to new parishioners and encourages them to feel part of our community of faith. We provide fellowship, every third Sunday of the month after the 10:30am Mass and also meet to discuss and plan for future activities for our betterment as a group and for the benefit of the faith community.

Piety Store Group

The parish runs a small shop selling Bibles, prayer books, greeting cards and various religious artefacts, before and after weekend Masses in the church foyer off the parish hall. Piety store members are rostered for their preferred mass times and gain satisfaction from assisting parishioners in choosing that special gift.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Our members assist people of all cultures in our parish area who are in financial difficulties. We meet every first and third Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm in the St. Peter's Community Centre. Members are given a wonderful opportunity to serve Jesus our Lord in the poor. "As often as you did it to one of these, the least of my brethren, you did it to me."

Knights of the Southern Cross

The Knights of the Southern Cross provides men over the age of 18 with the opportunity to serve Jesus and His Church by:

      • Promoting the advancement of Australia,
      • Promoting the Christian way of life throughout the nation and the welfare of its members and their families
      • Encouraging social and intellectual activities amongst its members,
      • Conducting and supporting educational, charitable, religious and social welfare work.

The group meets every 2nd  Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm in the Community Centre.


Music Ministry

The Music Ministry provides liturgical music for the enhancement of the Eucharistic celebrations (through the cantors and various parish choirs). We govern the liturgical music selected, ensuring that they are in line with the Parish’s liturgical policies, adhere to our music copyright obligations, and draw upon the collective memory of the assembly.

The ministry currently consists of 12 choirs, that meet regularly to rehearse and make new song selections. Our choirs play at all the Sunday masses, Wednesday's evening mass and special feasts and novenas. Our parish is so very blessed to have so many musically gifted people and part of this success is the openness of our choirs to welcoming any parishioners who have a desire to sing and play liturgical music.


  • Domini Chorum
  • Eagles Wings
  • Filoz Choir
  • Footsteps Choir
  • KNK Choir
  • Mater Dolorosa
  • Shepherds of Christ
  • St. Cecilia's Choir
  • St. Philomena's Choir
  • Tongan Community Choir
  • Young Adults
  • Youth Group



Parish Pastoral Council

The Parish Pastoral Council's role is to promote the Church's mission to live and communicate the love and values of Christ in our world. The council shares in the responsibilities for the ongoing life and development of the faith community. The council's role is to advise the parish priest, to share executive responsibility and to meet regularly to address suggestions and concerns put forward by our parishioners. The council currently has 12 lay members. 6 members are chosen by the parish priest and 6 are elected for the term of two years. No lay member may sit on the council for more than 3 terms.

Liturgy Committee

Responsible for dealing with the parish's response to matters of faith, the Liturgy Committee meet once a month, to organise upcoming masses, feast days, Novenas and Eucharistic adoration, setting prayers of intercession and ensuring fidelity to the Catholic precepts.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee work tirelessly behind the scenes balancing the financial responsibilities that face a modern church and giving planning advice for renovations and maintenance. You need not be an accountant to join in, as the committee are always looking for willing volunteers to help with collecting and counting the weekly collection.