St.Peter, one of the chosen 12 apostles of Jesus Christ, is our patron saint. He was a fisherman and was summoned, together with his brother Andrew, to follow our Lord. Originally known by his birth name Simon, he was given the name Peter by Jesus in Matt.16:18, who said that he would be the rock or foundation upon which he would build Christ's Church, and he is recognised as being the first Pope of the Catholic Church. More is written about St.Peter in the gospels, than any of the other apostles. As a hard working fisherman, we know him to be a large strong man, who's impulsive nature often set him apart from the other disciples, and who is depicted in painting and sculpture with curly hair and a beard, holding the keys to the gates of heaven.
The bronze statue of St.Peter in front of the church is made by renowned sculptor Louis Laumen, who recently had to re-model his previous work from 1999 after vandals sadly attempted to make off with the original. We are very proud to have our beloved St.Peter reinstated on his rock overlooking the church grounds.
We are inspired by the words of our Lord to St.Peter, in both mission and service, who called to him and his brother saying, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matt. 4:19)