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13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017


To mark the 100th anniversary of the 3rd Fatima Apparition, the Statue of Our Lady will be available for veneration from 8:00am to 9:30am in the Church side Chapel and again in the evening in the Community Centre from 7:00pm to 7:30pm. All welcome.


Please note that the HSI School of Discipleship commences on Sunday July 23 at 6:15pm in the Community Centre. Details about the school are on the notice board in the church foyer. All are welcome to attend. Further information on the school will be provided on July 23. Enquiries please call Francis on 0401 787 372.


 Money Counters 9 July 17

Kevin McLoughlin / Jeff Leeson / Francis Thomas

Readers – 8/9 July 17

  6:00pm Wilfred D’Cruz
  8:30am Evelyn Stowers
10:30am Sharon Aurubia
  5:00pm Connie Skinner

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
8/9 July 17

  6:00pm Davy F. / Sharon A. / S. D’Silva / M. Nelthropp
  8:30am L&B Jones / G. Sharman / S. Gomez
10:30am F. Caruana / S. Colla / V. Firman / Sally DiB
  5:00pm A&M Etiennette / S. Joseph / Volunteer

Music Ministry 8/9 July 17

  6:00pm Footsteps
  8:30am Shirley & Group
10:30am Youth Band
  5:00pm Shepherds of Christ




  8 July St Peters Prayer Community 22nd Anniversary celebration - 11:30am
13 July Veneration of Statue of Our Lady of Fatima 8:00am to 9:30am and 7:00pm to 7:30pm
23 July HIS School of Discipleship begins


Saturday, 8th July our parish prayer group will celebrate its 22nd Anniversary with a Thanksgiving Mass and fellowship. Please join in to celebrate this occasion with Praise & Worship at 11.30am followed by Mass and a light lunch in the hall thereafter.  All are invited.

 ARCHBISHOP’S GOLDEN JUBILEE OF PRIESTLY ORDINATION Saturday 22nd July, 11:00am at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, 1 Cathedral Place, East Melbourne

Everyone is invited to and will be welcome at this special Mass of Thanksgiving on the 50th anniversary of the Archbishop’s priestly ordination, followed by light refreshments at the Central Hall, 18 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy.

Please note that there will be no Mass at our parish that morning (22nd July), only a Communion service at 9:15am, as Fr. Pius is concelebrating in the Cathedral and is required to be there before 10:30am.


Dear Parishioners,

As we have advised you during the last few weeks, there is an upcoming bill to be presented to the Victoria Parliament on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide. Further details are available in the church foyer.

Next week we are going to be seeking support for a petition to be signed by as many parishioners as possible addressed to our local MP as follows:

We, the members of the St. Peter Apostle Mission Parish, 38 Guinane Ave, Hoppers Crossing VIC 3029, wish to raise with you our concerns regarding assisted suicide and euthanasia.

We understand that assisted suicide and euthanasia will be the subject of legislation later this year and we want to express, in the strongest terms possible, our reservations and concerns.

We do not believe that euthanasia or assisted suicides are appropriate ways of addressing the needs of people in our community at the end of life. Our laws have always held that killing a person or helping them to suicide is not acceptable.

We also believe that to do so would create significant risk of harm to vulnerable members of our community and we do not see any need to change these laws.

Instead, we ask you and all elected representatives in Victoria to focus more on ensuring that every Victorian has access to the best of care at the end of life. No Victorian should suffer at the end of life. We have the ability to achieve this and we think it incumbent on society to ensure that every person has equal and guaranteed access to the best of care when they need it.

We urge you not to support any Euthanasia or Assisted Suicide Bill.

Volunteers will be in the church hall after each mass THIS WEEKEND requesting you to sign the above petition. We ask you to kindly spare some time after mass to sign the petition, evidencing your support to this important cause.

Thanking you in advance,

Fr. Pius Kodakkathanath.


Conducted by the Alliance of the Two Hearts. Starting with Holy Mass at 7:00pm, followed by an hour with the Blessed Sacrament, then Holy Rosary, Divine Office, Divine Mercy Novena and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. All are welcome.

RECENTLY DECEASED:  We pray for Barbara Benedict, Elena Tasso, Louis Farrugia and all who passed away recently.

DEATH ANNIVERSARIES:  We pray for Noel Lawrence & Tessy Lawrence, Charles Evans, Joseph Gomez, John Borg and all whose anniversaries occur at this time.

PRAYERS FOR THE SICK:  We pray for Leo Linehan, Angela O’Brien, Mary McMinn, Lydia (Aleida) Van Susteren, Peter McGlade, Gary Spotswood, Stan Walkden, Diane Cameron, Sean Donaldson, Kristian Romois, Martin Grillo, Vera Fernandez, Edith Street, Georgette Maalouf, Carmen Mifsud, Bob Meehan, Dominic D’Lima, Cynthia Middleton, Milton Roberts, Elizabeth Slee, Rose Farrugia, Albert Dichenko, Liam Parr, Barbara Grogan, Robert Hart, Karen Norris, Laurie & Leslea Baker, Jean Skinner and all who are ill in our Parish.



  1. For weekly givers – your envelopes are in boxes in Surname Alphabetical order – so check the trays with boxes.
  2. If you give monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly – your envelopes are in an envelope and not in boxes. Look for the tray with Monthly/Half Yearly/Yearly markers.
  3. If you give by Direct Deposit or by Credit Card – your letter and form is also in an envelope, so look for the tray with Direct Debit/Credit Card markers
  4. If your envelope boxes or envelopes are not in any of the above trays, please note your name, surname and address in the notebook kept on the table. If you know your envelope number, please note that too and Josephine will contact you with further information by the 10th of July.
  5. If you have not been a part of Stewardship in the past but would like to participate now: please fill in a Stewardship Pledge Card and give it to Fr. Pius or drop it in the Mass Offering box in the church below the Oil display or drop it in the collection during weekend Mass. Josephine will then organise envelopes / direct debit / credit card giving as per your request.


If you are not already a parishioner and would like to be registered as one at St. Peters, please complete a registration card available from the foyer and as above, drop it in the collection bags during Mass or in the Mass offering slot near the sacristy or at the parish office, or give it to Fr. Pius or Dcn. Charles after Mass. Please remember that being baptised in this parish or attending Mass regularly does not automatically make a person a parishioner. The person needs to be registered on the parish census program.


17 July Term 3 commences at 8:45am
  3 Aug No School – Curriculum Day
22 Sep End of Term 3. School finishes at 1:00pm


There will be a Special Collection on the weekend of July 8th 9th for the Propagation of the Faith Appeal. We thank you for your generosity.