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32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017



There will be a Memorial Mass held on Tuesday, 21 November at 7:00pm for the families who have lost loved ones in the past year - from November 2016 to date. Families may bring a photo of the deceased to be placed on a table in the church and Mass will be offered for repose of the souls of our dear departed.

All are welcome to attend the Eucharistic celebration and are requested to bring a plate for shared fellowship in the hall after Mass.

Fr. Vincent, Dcn. Charles and parishioners thank the Eritrean Community for hosting such a spirit filled and joyful Multicultural Mass on Sunday, 29th October. Heartfelt thanks to the concelebrating priests - Fr.William Matthews sdb and Fr. Joselito Asis, the Multicultural Mass Committee members, Liturgy Team, Altar Servers, the choir, flag bearers, lectors, cantors, special ministers and all the volunteers for their hard work and contribution in making the celebration special.  It is a great joy when we all come together as one Body of Christ and celebrate the love of Christ.  Special thanks also to all the families who prepared and provided the huge banquet of delicious food for everyone to enjoy.  Our sincere thanks to all the volunteers who helped in setting up, serving food and cleaning up.

Rosters for the Piety Store and Communion to the Sick for December, January and February are now available in the Hall for collection.

To help with our Christmas Hampers for people in need in our parish area, please take a tag from the tree at the front of the church and return your gift of food by 10th December. A Christmas card to a family is very welcome as many lonely people do not receive a card at Christmas. Thank you for your generosity.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED once a month after any of the weekend Masses for 15-20 minutes to help in the Piety Store. Please contact Bev on 9749 2388. Thank you.


Sundays 6:15 - 8:15pm HSI School of Discipleship in Community Centre.
Tue 21 Nov 7:00pm Annual Memorial Mass for family members deceased from Nov 2016 to date.


Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour." - MATTHEW 25:13

Many of us have put off doing something because we think we are too busy. We've all said, I'll do it later when I have time. Unfortunately, too many of us apply this attitude to our Faith. Jesus' call is urgent, in the here and now, in your current circumstances. Don't delay, how is God calling you to use your gifts today?

Come and see our Nativity Sets, ornaments, etc. All are very reasonably priced. Divine Mercy and Columban Calendars, Religious Christmas cards and Advent calendars are now available. Browse the Christmas CATALOGUE. Orders can be taken until November 12th for delivery before Christmas. Some items may sell out quickly so early orders are highly recommended.

There will be a Special Collection at all Masses next weekend 18/19 November for the Catholic Deaf.  We thank you for your generosity.

Taking off from the Melbourne Archdiocese Year of the Youth Program, our parish intends to start a Youth Program for youth aged between 18 to 29 years commencing December 2017. Initially we are seeking  leaders with experience in working with youth or who have expertise in sports, education, entertainment, music, etc. If you would like to join the leadership team please call Royden on 0426 071 375. Thank You.

Architects impressions of proposed church refurbishments are in the foyer over this weekend. Kindly peruse.

As you may be aware, the Euthanasia Bill has passed the lower house of the Victorian Parliament. The Bill is still being debated in the Upper House and the numbers are close 22-18. MPs can still be persuaded to change their vote. If you are able to do so, please email or call the following MPs to advise of your opposition to this bill mainly stating that the safeguards provided in the Bill are inadequate and one of the other reasons mentioned below

Hon. Cesar Melham MLC, 231 Hyde Street, Yarraville, VIC 3013. Tel. 9689 6536, email

Hon Khalil Eideh MLC, Tenancy 2, 80 Carmody Drive, Cairnlea, VIC 3023 Tel. 9363 1644, email

You can use ONE of the following arguments whilst writing or calling

  • Suicide is always a tragedy. Masking the truth of what is proposed by calling it "assisted dying" is hiding from the reality. Assisting people to kill themselves is a criminal act for good reason. It is too easily open to abuse.
  • Our health system is already under pressure. Caring for people who are seriously ill is demanding and can be costly. I am concerned that when taking a person's life is a cheaper option, medical care will be compromised
  • It is not fair that providing some people a choice to end their life has to come at the cost of the lives of others who die because of the mistakes that are impossible to rule out. It's just too dangerous

Be polite. Be brief. Ask him not to support this bill. Please pray earnestly. The bill can definitely be defeated but we must act now. Thank you for your efforts.

We pray for the two school kids that died in the crash at Sydney, Jason Karawana and all who passed away recently.

We pray for Neville Nettar, Alice Quinless, Audrey & Eric Deniese, Kata, Anton & Nick Siketa, Maria Martella, Salvatore Cilmie, Gabriele Lovisotto, John McCarthy, John Tanti, Gerald Hopeng, Emmanuel Fernando, Vincent Fernando and all whose anniversaries occur at this time.

We pray for Shirley & Leo Linehan, Angela O'Brien, Lydia (Aleida) Van Susteren, Peter McGlade, Gary Spotswood, Stan Walkden, Diane Cameron, Edith Street, Georgette Maalouf, Jamilton Dabu, Carmen Mifsud, Bob Meehan, Sean Donaldson, Liam Parr, Barbara Grogan, Sr. Eileen Brown, Eugenie Rinaldi, Keith Gill, Imelda Rundell, Brian Jones, Carmen Sherri, Melissa Caroline, Carmen Agius, Josie Tabone, Geff Grech, Carmel Negline, Dot Mulquiney, Virginia Kallio, Edwinda Francisco, Frank Fazio, Alwyn White, Hamish Stott, Marcus Lyngdoh, Elizabeth Slee and all who are ill in our Parish.


Money Counters 19 Nov 17

Andy & Cecille Fernando / Kitty Stuttard

Readers - 18/19 Nov 17

  6:00pm Davy Fernandes
  8:30am Grace Sharman
10:30am Sibrina Anthony
5:00pm Melanie Etiennette

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion - 18/19 Nov 17

  6:00pm H. Durski /S. D'Silva / Praful A. / Michelle N.
  8:30am B. Jones / K. Fernandes / D&J Roga
10:30am L. OrTega / S. Delos Reyos / A&A Cortez
  5:00pm J&D Etiennette / C. Skinner / G. Siccita

Music Ministry - 18/19 Nov 17

  6:00pm VOLUNTEER
  8:30am Shirley & Group
10:30am FilOz
  5:00pm AHFI