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Blessing of the new church entrance by Rev. Aux. Bishop Mark Edwards

His Excellency, the Most Reverend Mark Edwards, Auxiliary Bishop to the Western Region of Melbourne visited us on the morning of Sunday 9th December to bless the new entrance to St.Peter's church after almost half a year of renovation work, and was accompanied by our parish priest, Rev. Father Vincent John CMI and Rev. Deacon Charles English.

Opening Ceremony on 9th Dec 2018 with Rev. Aux. Bishop Mark Edwards, Fr. Vincent John and Dcn. Charles English


Later on Bishop Edwards lead the congregation in celebrating mass, additionally performing the Rite of Welcome for our two Catechumens of the RCIA program, Miss Amrita Ranchod and Mr. Samitha De Vas Gunawardena who are seeking entry into the Catholic Church via the sacraments of initiation of baptism, confirmation and reception of the Holy Eucharist in Easter of 2019.

Rite of Welcome 9th Dec 2018. with Rev. Aux.Bishop Mark Edwards

It was a great blessing for our parish community to be honoured with the visit of Bishop Mark Edwards, who has visited us on previous occasions and on behalf of Fr. Vincent John, we are all very grateful for Bishop Mark's keen interest in staying in touch with parishioners of our faith community.